June 15, 2021

Southwest Greens Synthetic Systems Solutions

Science Behind The Field

Bounce | Aim | Roll

Southwest Greens has recently celebrated a 15-year presence in the EMEA area — an anniversary we are thrilled with. From a “cowboy” beginning of appropriating an artificial soccer grass field and labeling it a tee box to engineered solutions that look and play genuine — a lot has evolved.

At Southwest Greens, we start developing with an eye on the final result. We give it our all to develop artificial putting green turf that has the same look and feel of genuine grass. The experience we are talking about is in the context of ball behavior — to be more precise — bounce, aim, and roll.

Bounce, aim, and roll speaks of the underlying technology behind our artificial putting green turf products. We refer to this project as “Science Behind The Surface,” and we test our synthetic turf against genuine turf with a playability assessment tool.

Thorough fieldwork is executed, and data is being gathered from numerous organic surfaces to get a high-quality reference. To discover more about the “Science Behind The Surface” and to see our celebration post with EIGCA Silver.

Want the Best in Augusta?

Our putting green grass is simply amongst the most intuitive in the industry. If you’re in search of artificial turf to change your game plan, Southwest Greens of Augusta has the perfect solution for you.

See The Greens